Concept of Batch, Cron


  • Batch means:
    • a group of things or people that are dealt with at the same time
    • A group (processed in batches), that is, a group in which something is processed
  • Registering a batch is a program created to process various tasks at once.
    • (Resolved through a batch program rather than directly typing commands for a large number of tasks at a fixed time every day or periodically)
  • Executing this batch is done by the scheduler, not the developer.


  • What is Scheduler:
    • A program that executes a batch program at a certain period or at a specific time;
    • Linux has Crontab as a representative.


  • What is Cron?:
    • The cron command is used when you want to automatically perform a task at a specific time or at a specific time.
    • cron is a scheduling function that allows you to perform a specific task at a specific time.
    • It is not a concept unique to Linux, but a concept in many OSs.
    • The cron system has cron settings that are used by default in the system, and this is called system cron.
    • In addition, there is a user cron that root or general users use by directly setting their cron settings.
  • What is crontab:
    • The file that configures cron jobs is called crontab file.
    • The cron process reads the settings in the /etc/crontab file and performs tasks.
    • The crontab file is saved in a different location for each OS.
    • In general, BSD-based Linux is /var/spool/cron/ID

    • On Solaris, it is located in /var/spool/cron/crontabs/ID.
  • What is anacron?
    • It is located in /usr/sbin/anacron,
    • A program that works like a cron, and is a tool used to ensure that tasks are executed even when the server is stopped for a certain period of time.

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