Algorithm - memoization


  • Memoization is a technique that speeds up program execution by eliminating duplicate execution of the same calculation by storing previously calculated values in memory when a computer program needs to repeat the same calculations.
  • Example
    • binomial coefficient
    • nCr = n-1Cr + n-1Cr-1
    • nCn == nC0 : 1
      • Number of cases of selecting all n out of n
      • Number of cases of selecting none of n
        • Since above there is only 1 case for each, nCn and nC0 have a value of 1.
    • Utilize the result of the combination already calculated so that it is not redunduntly calculated twice
  • binomial coefficient
using namespace std;

int memoi[22][22];

int dfs(int n, int r) {
	if(memoi[n][r]) return memoi[n][r];
	if(n == r || r == 0) return 1;
	else return memoi[n][r] = dfs(n-1, r) + dfs(n-1, r-1); // dfs(n-1, r) + dfs(n-1, r-1) 怨꾩궛??寃곌낵瑜?memoi[n][r] ???€?낇븯怨? memoi[n][r] ??return 

int main() {
	freopen("input.txt", "rt", stdin);
	int n, r;
	cin >> n >> r;
	// nCr = n-1Cr + n-1Cr-1
	cout << dfs(n, r);	

 	return 0;

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