Algorithm - Sequential Search and Binary Search (Concept and C++)

Search means finding the desired data among the data list
Sequential Search: Find the data you want by comparing the list one by one from the front

  • Time complexity
    • Worst case: when list length is n, it should be compared n times
    • $O(n)$
  • C++ example

using namespace std;

bool sequentialSearch(int* data, int size, int key)
	for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
		if(data[i] == key)
			return true;
	return false;

int main()
	int list_s[] = {5,4,3,2,1};
	int len = sizeof(list_s) / sizeof(list_s[0]);
	if(sequentialSearch(list_s, len, 3))
		cout << "search success" << endl;
		cout << "search fail" << endl;

Binary Search: Divide the data to be searched into half to search for the desired data
Divide and Conqure

  • Binary search
    • Divide: Divide the data list into two sublists
    • Conqure
      • data > Medium value: Search for the number to search in the sub-list at the back
      • data < Medium value: Search for the number to search in the previous sub-list

Time Complexity

  • Divide n lists in half every times and perform comparison operations k times until 1
    • n X $\frac { 1 }{ 2 }$ X $\frac { 1 }{ 2 }$ X $\frac { 1 }{ 2 }$ … = 1
    • n X $\frac { 1 }{ 2 }^k$ = 1
    • n = $2^k$ = $log_2 n$ = $log_2 2^k$
    • $log_2 n$ = k
    • In big O notation, k + 1 is the final time complexity (even when it becomes 1, comparison operation is performed once)
      • Eventually, $O(log_2 n + 1)$, 2 and 1, constant are deleted so, $O(log n)$



using namespace std;

void binarySearch(int* data, int left, int right, int key)
	if(right < left)
		cout << "search fail" << endl;
	int mid = left + (right-left)/2;
	if(data[mid] == key)
		cout << "search success" << endl;
	if(data[mid] < key)
		binarySearch(data, mid+1, right, key);
		binarySearch(data, left, mid-1, key);

int main()
	int list_s[] = {2,5,8,12,16,23,38,56,72,91};
	int len = sizeof(list_s) / sizeof(list_s[0]);
	binarySearch(list_s, 0, len-1, 23);
	binarySearch(list_s, 0, len-1, 10);
	return 0;


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