Algorithm - Insertion Sort (Concept,Pseudocode and C++ code)

Insertion Sort

Insertion sorting is an algorithm that completes a sort by finding and inserting its position by comparing all elements of the data array with the parts of the array that are already sorted, in order from the beginning.

  • Insertion sort starts from the second index
  • Compare two value : data value (A) and the data of the prior index of the corresponding data (key value)
  • If the key value is smaller
    • the A value is copied to the later index
  • This is repeated until the key value encounters larger data
    • Insert key value right after location where big data is met

Code Design


  • example of four datas in the list

    1. (5 3 2 4)

    1 0
    3 5
    (3 5 2 4)

    base data index compared data index
    1 0

    2. (3 5 2 4)

    2 1
    2 5
    (3 2 5 4)
    1 0
    2 3
    (2 3 5 4)

    base data index compared data index
    2 1

    3. (2 3 5 4)

    3 2
    4 5
    (2 3 4 5)
    2 1
    4 3
    1 0

    base data index compared data index
    3 2

    4. (2 3 4 5)



Time Complexity

two for loops : $O(n^2)$

C++ code implementation

using namespace std;

void insertionSort(int * data, int size)
	for(int i = 0; i < size-1 ; ++i )
		for(int base = i+1 ; base != 0 ; --base)
			if(data[base] < data[base-1])
				int temp = data[base];
				data[base] = data[base-1];
				data[base-1] = temp;
int main()
	int data_i[] = {4,5,3,2,1};

	int len = sizeof(data_i) / sizeof(data_i[0]);
	cout  << len << endl;

	for(int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
		cout << data_i[i] << endl;

	insertionSort(data_i, len);
	for(int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
		cout << data_i[i] << endl;
	return 0;

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