[ETC] - Code Comment on constructor handling

Code Comment on constructor handling

멤버변수 default value 를 특별히 세팅해야하는 경우에, constructor 에서 default value를 세팅하고 추가적으로 바꿀 필요가 있다면, 생성자에서 생성자 멤버 초기화 리스트 (Constructor member initializer list)를 통해서 초기화된 멤버변수를 생성자 내부에서 변경
생성자 내부에서 멤버변수를 추가적으로 초기화 again
그리고 생성자 초기화 함수용 init()함수 static으로 구현하는 것도 고려

For Service in BIT, here is another approach to set Service::m_sysConsts before actual subscription.

Add init(std::map<int16_t, int16_t>) method in Service to update m_sysConsts with input parameter. Add new attribute(for example, std::map<int16_t, int16_t> m_initSysConsts) in TestContext for system constants to be added in Service::m_sysConsts. Change codes for SysConst Service start in TestBase::SetUp( )

  • Before
    • bit::Service::get()->start(m_sutProc);
  • After
    • bit::Service::get()->init(m_testContext.m_initSysConsts);
    • bit::Service::get()->start(m_sutProc);

Change codes for BitNewTest::SetUp()

  • Call BitTestBase::SetUp() after setting m_testContext.m_initSysConsts with expecting value.

In my view, it seems to be more general approach for our purpose. Please consider it.